2020 Grant Recipients
2020 Grant Recipients
A total of over $48,000 in grants were awarded by Operation Our Town for the 2020 grant cycle to the following prevention programs:
Altoona Area School District ELECT Program: ELECT (Education Leading to Employment & Career Training)
Funding awarded will be used to provide nutritious meals and snacks for pregnant and parenting teens at educational events and out of school visits, and provide engagement support to paternal figures that are ineligible for the program but involved in the students children’s lives.
ArtsAltoona: After School Arts Program (ASAP)
Funding awarded will be used toward funding one session of ten separate after-school art classes for junior high school students to increase confidence and self-expression, and offer artmaking as an outlet for hope and transformation.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Blair County: S.M.A.R.T. (Students & Mentors Achieving Results Together) Mentoring Site-based Program
Funding awarded will be used to help create and support matches between mentors and mentees (ages 6-18) in the SMART Site-based Programs located in Altoona, Bellwood, Claysburg-Kimmel, and Tyrone School Districts in Blair County.
Bishop Guilfoyle Catholic High School: Drug Testing of Students
Funding awarded will be used to maintain a zero tolerance policy by funding random drug testing of high school students.
Blair Regional YMCA: Family Y-Nite
Funding awarded will be used to help low-income families attend these family-based activities that bring families together in a fun, safe, affordable, and drug-free environment which provide food, resources, art, music, and crafts for all.
Booker T. Washington Revitalization Corporation: Iuzzolino Park Revitalization
Funding awarded will be used toward the purchase and installation of new play equipment and site amenities, continuing improvements that have been made over the past four years.
Center for Independent Living of South Central PA: TEAM Builders
Funding awarded will be used to engage Blair County youth in healthy activities that promote self-confidence, self-esteem, respect of self and others as part of a bullying prevention program.
Central Blair Recreation & Park Commission: Youth Sports Program Supplies & Equipment
Funding awarded will be used for new program supplies and equipment for their youth sports programs, including flag football, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and baseball/T-ball.
Child Advocates of Blair County: CHOICES Summer Program
Funding awarded will be used to purchase supplies and incentives for a youth summer program at Evergreen Manors that will include educational topics & agency speakers, crafts, games, movies, and community outings.
Community Worship Center: Community Kids! Weekly Program
Funding awarded will be used to support the purchase of food, clothing, school supplies, and curriculum materials for their weekly program that serves youth ages preschool to 5th grade.
Cops & Boxing: Cops & Boxing Program
Funding awarded will be used to foster positive interactions and relationships between law enforcement and at-risk youth by providing the youth with vouchers for boxing lessons at Gorilla House Gym.
Evolution Expressions: Arts for Healing Groups
Funding awarded will be used to provide art supplies for trauma-focused arts related activities to help at-risk youth combat the effects of trauma through the use of art techniques.
Gloria Gates Memorial Foundation: After School Program
Funding awarded will be used to fund educational materials, field trips, snacks, and individual assistance to youth at-risk enrolled in three after-school programs held within the low-income housing developments of Evergreen Manors, Fairview Hills, and Logan Hills.
Refuge Youth Network: Backyard Events
Funding awarded will be used to reach teens who are considered at-risk or disconnected from our community in their own neighborhood to introduce them to pro-social programming by hosting pop-up events at local housing developments and small neighborhood groups.
Roaring Spring Community Library: Curiosity Creates Open Art Studio
Funding awarded will be used for an after school program for youth to offer structured, as well as open ended art experiences to encourage creativity while offering a safe space for individual self-expression.
The ROCK: Reaching Out to Community Kids
Funding awarded will be used to purchase food and supplies for youth in Pre-K to 12th grade and provide a home-cooked meal, gym/physical activities, the arts, and age-appropriate small groups that encourage healthy living.
Tyrone Area High School Agricultural Education Program: Growing Vertical to Help the Community
Funding awarded will be used for students to partner with the Chamber of Commerce, food bank, and local assisted living facility to provide an opportunity for the community to vertically grow fruits and vegetables for the local food bank and community members to enjoy.
United Way of Blair County’s Family Resource Center: Parents as Teachers Program and 24/7 Dad
Funding awarded will be used for program supplies and educational materials for the parent education programs, Parents as Teachers and 24/7 Dad.
Young Life of Central Pennsylvania: Young Life Camp
Funding awarded will be used to help high school students attend Young Life Camp who financially cannot afford the cost of camp otherwise.
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